CSR Recovery Assistance Report

Support Activities via the Air Transportation Industry

1. Support for the industries (tourism, agriculture etc.) in the Tohoku region that were directly affected

  • Through providing information using in-flight magazines and by implementing campagins, we aim to help the recovery of tourism in all areas of the Tohoku region where damage was insignificant.
  • We will promote and provide Tohoku specialty goods in-flight etc, and proactively use Tohoku products.

2. Recovery support through an econonomic boost for all of Japan

  • By introducing the appeal of each area of Japan, offerin more discount fares and conducting campaigns, we strive to create travel demand and help bring an economic boost to all of Japan.
  • We promote visits by tourists from overseas.

Interaction and Support Activities in the Disaster Area

1. Pray for the Recovery: The Star (Tanabata) Festival

Customers at each of the airports wrote wishes for recovery on colorful paper strips and a thousand paper origami cranes that customers made during flights were delivered to Sendai. They were dedicated to Ozaki-hachiman shrine so that the prayers could be received.

2. Supporting the Children of the Disaster- Striken Area

  • As a joint project with AEON and FAMILY MART, applications were taken during the summer holiday period and children from the Tohoku region were invited to Tokyo, Osaka and Sapporo.
  • We held an orgami paper airplane making class in the disaster area and had a lot of fun with the children.
  • We also cooperated in holding the "Small Messages from the Disaster Area" (pictures and photo exhibition from children in the disaster area) in New York.
  • We also cooperated in holding the "Challenge the Summer in Naoshima 2011" (Art Camp Invitations for children in Fukushima).

3. Particpation in the Tohoku Cotton Project

Illust: Tohoku Cotton Project

We Participated in the "Tohoku Cotton Project," aiming for a recovery in "re-starting agriculture." "job creation," and "new industries" in Tohoku by growing and cultivating "Cotton" which is strong against salt damage in the agricultural areas of Arahama, Wakbayashi-ku, Sendai City, where there was salt water damage due to the tsunami.

Tohoku Cotton Project

4. JAL Eco Jet Nature Start of Service

Photo: JAL Eco Jet Nature Start of Service

A new Eco design painted aircraft from the JAL Group, "JAL Eco Jet - Nature" went into service on September 30th, 2011.
On this aircraft, the logos "Ministry of the Environment Sanriku Recovery National Park Plan" and "Tohoku Cotton Project" are painted with the wish for Tohoku's recovery from the disaster.

For details, click here

5. Sendai Airport Full Opening Event (September 25th, 2011) Initiative

  • The flight staff's musical bell team gave a performance.
  • An orchestra doll figure made with aircraft parts was given to the Sendai Airport Building.
    (Currently being displayed in front of the security checkpoint of the international departures area in Sendai Airport)
  • We held a performance by a professional harp player.
Photo: Sendai Airport Full Opening Event (September 25th, 2011) Initiative

6. We held an origami paper airplane class

Date Overview
July 2, 2011 Natori City,Yuriage district with Sudanese children
July 25, 2011 Sendai Airport Regularly Scheduled Flight - Recovery Commemorative Event
February 3, 2012 At Iwanuma City South Children's Hall
March 10, 2012 Yamagata Airport Disaster Recovery Event (candies and, card of appreciation distributed, and participants were invited to try on flight staff uniforms)
At Iwanuma City West Children's Hall
March 11, 2012 Sendai Airport Recovery Event (on that day, other events were held, such as aviation classes and an exhibition of a cockpit display model. Participants were also invited to try on flight staff uniforms)
Photo: Held an origami paper airplane class

7. Stimulating Tourism Demand in Tohoku

  • Together with JTB and the municipalities of Tohoku, Tohoku tourist phamplets were distributed on the street and an appeal to come visit Tohoku was made. (Yurakucho/May 25th, 2011)
  • With the aim to make a big impact on recovery assitance, a new plan "JAL Pack & View" to stimulate demand for travel to the Tohoku regision was put into place using JAL Pack and the JR EAST VIEW TRAVEL SERVICE Co., Ltd — a travel agency of the JR EAST Group.

8. Assist in the Sale of Tohoku Goods

  • We sold agricultural products from Fukushima with JTB on the streets. (Yurakucho/April 27th and 28th, 2011)
Photo: Assist in the Sale of Tohoku Goods

9. Other

  • Marcoart exhibition held in Sendai between October 25th and 30th, 2011
For details, click here