CSR Support for Disaster Victims

The JAL Group readily utilizes its business operation as an air transport provider to support relief efforts in times of disasters around the world. Coordinating closely with the government and other non-profit organizations like Japan Platform (JPF), and JAL established a system to speedily dispatch assistance, providing air transport of relief supplies and aide personnel to affected areas.

Free transport of relief materials in support of the Thailand floods (November 2011)

To support the recovery of central Thailand from damage caused by flooding, JAL transported relief materials free of charge at the request of public organizations and Japan Platform.

Relief efforts for the Great East Japan Earthquake

To support the recovery from the Great East Japan Earthquake on March 11, 2011, we have undertaken a range of activities.

Support for Tohoku
Photo: Relief efforts for the Great East Japan Earthquake

Haiti Earthquake(2010)

Charter flight for JICA

At the request of "The Japan International Cooperation Agency" (JICA) and Japan Self-Defense Forces (JSDF), JAL operated two charter flights to Miami from Tokyo.

Mileage Donation

JAL donated about 7 million miles for UNICEF as "Haiti Earthquake Children Support - Miles for UNICEF" Campaign.

Volcano in Indonesia(2010)

Transportation of supplies

JAL sent 20,000 on-board medical masks and 500 blankets to people in the affected areas.
Materials were delivered to the disaster zone through the Red Cross.

Typhoon Ketsana in Manila & the Sumatra Earthquake (September, 2009)

Charter flight for JICA

At the request of "The Japan International Cooperation Agency" (JICA), JAL operated a charter flight to Jakarta from Tokyo.

Transport for NGO staff

JAL supported "Japan Platform (JPF)" in its reconstruction aid project by providing free air transport for 16 people from Japan to Manila and Jakarta.

Floods in Western Japan (July, 2009)

Transport for NGO staff

JAL provided the air transport for staff of the Central Community Chest of Japan who volunteered to assist in the stricken area.

The offer of relief supplies

JAL donated its in-flight blankets, paper fans and packets of salt in support of the aid relief efforts of the volunteers in the stricken area.

Employee donation

JAL Group employees donated more than 700 thousand yen to the Central Community Chest of Japan in support of the volunteer activities in the stricken area.

Origami Hikoki Activity for children of the stricken area

On September 30, 2009, JAL employees visited the Yamaguchi prefecture Ono elementary school in the affected area and held an Origami Hikoki lesson where they taught school children aged 1-3 years how to fold paper airplanes (hikoki) with paper (origami).

Photo: Origami Hikoki Activity for children of the stricken area

Earthquake in L'Aquila, Italy (April, 2009)

Transport for NGO staff

The JAL Group provided air transport between Narita and Rome for staff of "Citizens towards Overseas Disaster Emergency"(CODE), who assisted in the restoration of the area.

Forest fire in Victoria, Australia (March, 2009)

JAL Sydney branch and an employee volunteer group donated Japanese books and stationery for children attending schools that conduct Japanese language classes as school buildings were damaged and teaching materials were lost in the fire. These supplies were sent to the Education Training Ministry of the State of Victoria and the Japanese Teacher Society through Japan Foundation Sydney office.

Photo: Forest fire in Victoria, Australia (March, 2009)

Inland earthquake in Iwate / Miyagi (June, 2008)

Transport for NGO staff

JAL supported the "Foot Bath Study Party" and provided free air transport between Osaka and Sendai for the 3 lecturers of the class activity.

Cyclone Nargis in Myanmar (May, 2008)

Charter flight for JICA

At the request of "The Japan International Cooperation Agency" (JICA), JAL operated a charter flight to Yangon from Tokyo.

Transportation of supplies

At the request of the organization "Save the Children Japan", JAL supported the transportation of 1,200kg of biscuits from Narita to Bangkok.

Transport for NGO staff

JAL supported the reconstruction aid project by "Japan Platform (JPF)", "Medicines Sans Frontiers", "Bridge Asia Japan (BAJ)" and "OISCA", and provided free air transport for 7 people from Japan to Bangkok.

Employee donation

JAL Group employees donated more than 900 thousand yen to JPF to support volunteer activities in the stricken area.

Major earthquake in Sichuan, China(May, 2008)

Charter flight for JICA

At the request of "The Japan International Cooperation Agency" (JICA) and the Japanese Government, JAL operated 3 charter flights to Chengdu from Japan.

Transportation of supplies An offer and the transportation cooperation of support supplies

The JAL Group offered 390 tents to the Red Cross Society and provided free transportation of urgent relief supplies (clothing) donated by a retail group company.
JAL cooperated with the Association of Shizuoka Volunteers to conduct the "Give a Tent for the Stricken Area" exercise, and at the request of the association, JAL transported for free, 400 tents from Narita to Hangzhou.

Photo: Transportation of supplies An offer and the transportation cooperation of support supplies

Transport for NGO staff

JAL provided the air transport for 3 staff of the "Citizens towards Overseas Disaster Emergency"(CODE), between Japan and Shanghai.

Employee donation

JAL Group employees donated more than 1 million yen to the Japanese Red Cross Society.