(September 21, 1965)
Director, Managing Executive Officer
Senior Vice President, Engineering and Maintenance
Term of Office(as of June 2024):
0 years(assumed office on June 2024)
Number of Shares Held(as of March 2024):700
Career summary, position and responsibilities at the Company
Important positions concurrently assumed outside the Company
- none
Reasons for the nomination as Director
Since joining the Company, Mr. TAMURA has been involved in engineering departments and maintenance and contributed to upholding and improving the JAL Group’s maintenance quality. He has served as Executive Officer and Senior Vice President, Procurement Division from 2019, contributing to carrying out sustainable procurement activities. He has assumed Executive Officer and Senior Vice President, Engineering & Maintenance Division of the Company as well as Representative Director and President of JAL ENGINEERING CO., LTD. since 2021, developing strong frontlines and greatly contributing to the Company’s safety operations with his precise analysis and judgment.