Aviation Security Policy
We regard Aviation Security, which is a part of Aviation Safety, as the most important issue (as the Fundamental Strategic and Operational Priority) and promotes and carries out the followings in order to establish an Aviation Security System that protects passenger, employee and company assets from acts of unlawful Interference such as hijacking, aircraft bombing, aircraft terrorism and others.
- Appropriately allocate resources directly engaged in Aviation Security and establish necessary organizational structure to implement security related tasks handled by each division.
- Compliance with the national laws and regulations, National Civil Aviation Security Program, etc. and establishe Aviation operator’s security plan and standard etc. according to these.
- Establish security objectives and security performance standards.
- Make employees involved in Aviation Security comply with the laws and regulations of each country, provide education and training, related materials, raise awareness of importance of Aviation Security and give knowledge and ability to establish and maintain a security culture and the Aviation Security System.
- Collect and analyze information related to Aviation Security by promoting cooperation with aviation security authorities, airport authorities, police authorities, etc., and present policies, provide information, call out attention, instruct the implementation of Measures and countermeasures to employees involved in Aviation Security.
- Regularly inspect and audit, evaluate the results, verifies the effectiveness of the Manuals and Aviation Security measures, and this policy (periodic review). As a result of the evaluation, promptly respond when continual improvement is necessary. (continual improvement of the SeMS)