Safety Management Policy
The JAL Group has established the Safety Charter as the fundamental policy for safety under the Corporate Policy.
Every employee, from top management to frontline employees, has a correct understanding of the concept and policy of safety management system(*) which is defined by the International Civil Aviation Organization(ICAO), in accordance with the Safety Charter and performs their everyday work accordingly.
(*)Safety management system includes the components of Safety policy and objectives,Safety risk management, Safety assurance, and Safety promotion.
Operating Policy of the Safety Management System
The Safety Management System (SMS) is based on four pillars: Safety Policy and Objectives, Safety Risk Management, Safety Assurance, and Safety Promotion.
In the JAL Group, management declares the safety policy and ensures its dissemination across all departments. Each fiscal year, safety targets are established, and all JAL Group employees, including management, work together to perform their duties in accordance with SMS to maintain and enhance aviation safety.
Furthermore, to maintain high levels of safety, management, each division, and the Corporate Safety and Security Division must implement the PDCA cycle regarding safety and link the cycle across organizations to ensure that the SMS functions properly and safety is continuously improved upon.
At the Group Safety Measures Council(*), management formulates the safety management policies for the entire JAL Group. Management receives reports on the achievement status of safety targets, safety audit results, progress of safety measures, occurrence of serious accidents and incidents, and the status of preventive and recurrence prevention measures. Based on these reports, management decides on the necessary actions and instructs their implementation to operate the SMS.
(*) The Group Safety Measures Council is composed of the President of Japan Airlines (Chair), the Chief Safety Officer, executives designated by the Chair, and the presidents of the group airlines.
Each division implements our SMS and the status and improvements are reported to the Management and Safety Promotion Department. Each division makes necessary improvements based on the results of PDCA cycle and instructions from Management and Corporate Safety & Safety Division.
Corporate Safety and Security Division
The Corporate Safety and Security Division promotes the operation of the SMS for the entire JAL Group. It makes improvements based on the results, instructions from management, and reports from various divisions. Additionally, it reports the status of SMS operation and improvements to management, identifies issues facing each division, and gives instructions for corrective actions.
Safety Targets
The JAL Group sets goals for the level of safety to be achieved, and each department implements measures necessary to achieve these goals. The level of safety is evaluated annually and take necessary corrective actions as required.
Establishment and Management of Manuals
The JAL Group has established and documented safety regulations and operating standards and procedures in accordance with applicable laws, regulations, and international standards, and has a system in place to ensure that all relevant employees are aware of these matters.