Dialogue with Stakeholders
Dialogue regarding human rights in the supply chain
To better understand how social conditions and the business environment are changing and to reflect those changes in our initiatives, JAL engaged in dialogue with Mr. SHIMOTAYA Takeshi in April 2022 on the global supply chain of the aviation business.
After working for a major heavy industry manufacturer from 1991, he moved to the United Kingdom in 2007, and earned an MSc in Environmental Assessment and Management from the University of East Anglia, and an MBA from the University of Lancaster. He founded the ASSC in 2017. He is working to solve environmental and social problems in the supply chain.

The Global Alliance for Sustainable Supply Chain
We invited SHIMOTAYA Takeshi to hold a dialogue with members of the Sustainability Promotion Committee. In the previous dialogue, he pointed out that job security during the pandemic could be seen as a human rights issue and we reflected this in our initiatives. In this year’s dialogue, he provided valuable advice on the importance of interacting with suppliers and initiatives to promote understanding of LGBTQ. Based on his advice, we identified important issues in Human Rights Due Diligence for FY2022 and published them on this website.
Going forward, the JAL Group will continue its dialogue with society and fulfill its responsibility to
respect the human rights of all people, based on the belief that respect for human rights is a
universal value, in accordance with the Human Rights Due Diligence system clearly stipulated in our
internal regulations.

Opinion exchange on the "UN Food Systems Summit"
On September 23-24 2021, UN Secretary-General António Guterres have convened a Food Systems Summit as part of the Decade of Action to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030.
From the perspective of the food system*, the summit will be the first international conference by each country to discuss ensuring its sustainability as a global common issue and to show what it should be in the future.
Prior to this summit, the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries exchanged opinions on the "UN Food System Summit" for public-private partnership meeting" was held on 26th April, and JAL participated.
*The food system refers to a series of activities related to food production, processing, transportation and consumption. and the Scientific Group of this summit are including all parties involved in processing, distribution, consumption and disposal and their interrelated value-added activities, as well as the wider economic, social and natural environment in whichthey are embedded.
(quoted from the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry and Fisheries website(Japanese)Open link in a new window