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Management Strategy

Profit Target

Based on the latest domestic and international passenger and cargo demand forecasts, the expected consolidated full-year performance EBIT for FY2023 has been revised upward from the previous forecast of 130 billion yen to 140 billion yen. Additionally, the expected consolidated full-year performance for FY2024 is set at an EBIT of 170 billion yen, and the previously set EBIT target of over 185 billion yen for FY2025 has been revised upward to 200 billion yen.

Figure showing the JAL Group's management medium term management strategy

Business Model Reform

Figure explaining a concept for creation of social and economical value through mobility.

Management Targets

Work steadily towards their achievement by FY2025

We have established management targets for FY2025 in the areas of safety and security, sustainability, and finance, taking into account the business environment, global trends, stakeholder expectations, their impact on our business, and their importance to management. These are the key management issues and challenges of the JAL Group. We will further accelerate our efforts to achieve each goal in the remaining two years.

Figure showing the target at FY2025 of medium term management plan

Mid-Long Term Initiatives

The JAL Group will enhance the sustainability of our business and create social and economic value in order to realize JAL Vision 2030 that the JAL Group aims toward 2030.

Figure showing the Mid-Long Term Initiatives

Building Relationships and Connections Through Air Transportation

Figure showing the Building Relationships and Connections Through Air Transportation

FY2021-2025 JAL Group Medium Term Management Plan Rolling Plan 2024

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Press release

Past Year's Medium Term Rolling Plan

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