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Air Transport Related Businesses

Airport Passenger Service

Check-in procedures and information for passengers, operational support from the ground, load control, etc.

Affiliated Businesses

JALSKY / JALSKY Sapporo / JALSKY Osaka / JALSKY Kyushu, etc.

Ground Handling

Airport ground services, such as baggage and cargo loading, marshalling, cabin cleaning and aircraft cleaning

Affiliated Businesses

JAL Ground Service / JALSKY Airport Okinawa, etc.

Related Sites

JAL GROUND HANDLINGThis page will open in a new window.


Maintenance service for aircraft, engines and aircraft parts, management of parts, painting to keep aircraft beautiful

Affiliated Businesses

JAL Maintenance Service / JAL Engineering, etc.


International cargo and mail handling, management of warehouse (cargo handling facility)

Affiliated Businesses

JAL Cargo Service / JAL Kansai Aircargo System / JAL Cargo Service Kyushu, etc.

Related Sites

JAL CARGO(Cargo transportration)This page will open in a new window.

Passenger Sales

Planning and sales of domestic/overseas travel using air transport services, ticket sales, reservations, information and inquiries by phone

Affiliated Businesses

JAL NAVIA / JAL Mileage Bank, etc.

Airport Peripheral Businesses

Production of in-flight meals, convenience services such as baggage delivery and smartphone rental services

Affiliated Businesses

JAL Royal Catering / JAL ABC, etc.

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