Disclosure Policy
This site contains descriptions of the future expectations, outlooks, objectives and plans etc. of Japan Airlines Co., Ltd. (hereafter "the company") and related Group companies (hereafter "the Group"). These are based on information available at the time when these materials were created by the company (or as otherwise specified), and are created based on the forecasts at such time. These statements were created based on certain assumptions. These statements and assumptions include the subjective projections and judgments of our management, and due to various risks and uncertainties, these may be found to be inaccurate or unrealized in the future. Therefore, the actual results, earnings and financial conditions, etc. of the Group may differ from the projections of the company. These risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to, the economic and social conditions of Japan and other countries and regions, soaring fuel costs, changes in the exchange rates between the yen and the dollar or other currencies, terrorist attacks or wars, infectious disease outbreaks, and various other risks related to the aviation business.
Statements on this site regarding future information are, as mentioned above, valid at the time of creation (or as otherwise specified), and our company has no obligation to ensure that this information is updated with the latest available information.
The information contained in this site is for informational purposes only, and is not intended as a recommendation, solicitation or request for the purchase of or trade in any securities or financial products.
Although every effort has been made to ensure that the information posted on this site regarding the Group is correct, it includes unaudited financial information for which we provide no guarantee of its accuracy, completeness, fairness or reliability.