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JAL Group Code of Conduct

JAL Group Code of Conduct [Commitment to Society]

The JAL Group established the Corporate Policy to "Pursue the material and intellectual growth of all our employees; Deliver unparalleled service to our customers, and Increase corporate value and contribute to the betterment of society," and to realize this Policy, practices the JAL Philosophy, a shared awareness, attitude and values expected of every JAL Group employee.

To increase corporate value and realize a sustainable society, we have established “Commitment to Society” which sets out the basic guidelines to ensure corporate ethical behavior in all business situations.

“Commitment to Society” is based on the Group-shared awareness and values of the JAL Philosophy. Performing duties according to "Commitment to Society" leads to the embodiment of the JAL Philosophy and further, the realization of the JAL Group Corporate Policy.

JAL Group employees understand the company’s objective in establishing this Code of Conduct, and endeavor to build relationships of trust with all stakeholders and society and actively contribute to realizing a sustainable society with the full commitment and support of top management.

1. Safety

Safety: The protection of lives.
This is the commitment and basic foundation of business continuity for the JAL Group.
We take to heart our mission and responsibility as safety professionals to ensure a safe operation on every flight with the best of our knowledge, skills and abilities.

To accomplish this, we will act according to the following principles.

  • Stop immediately when safety concern arises.
  • Comply with rules and strictly follow standard operating procedures.
  • Always check and confirm; never rely on assumptions.
  • Promptly communicate information without omission to unsure safety.
  • Deal with problems quickly and appropriately without underestimation.

2. Pursuit of customer satisfaction

The JAL Group (or “we) provides information on products and services appropriately, takes comments from customers sincerely, and continuously strives to develop and provide better products and services in order to provide unparalleled service to every customer. When developing and improving products and services, we put ourselves in the customers’ standpoint and develop innovative products and services to meet diverse customer needs.

3. Trust with stakeholders

The JAL Group ensures fair disclosure of information while maintaining constructive dialogue with a board range of stakeholders in order to achieve sustainable growth and increase corporate value.

(1) Information disclosure and dialogue
We make every effort to maintain truthful communication with society by disclosing useful and accurate information and listening carefully to stakeholder concerns.
We place emphasis on Investor Relations (IR) with shareholders and investors and take steps to promote their understanding through constructive dialogue and quick and accurate information disclosures on corporate management and business activities.

(2) Prohibiting insider trading
We comply with relevant internal regulations, proactively prevent insider trading and do not engage in any real or suspected activities to gain benefits using unpublic information acquired through business.

4. Respect for human rights and job satisfaction (human rights and labor)

Respecting individuals is respecting different cultures and values. To achieve this, we actively interact with diverse cultures around the world.
To create productive workplaces where employees are motivated about their jobs, we take pride and joy in doing our best for our colleagues.

(1) Respecting human rights and diversity
The JAL Group is committed to fulfilling its responsibility to respect the human rights of all people.
This means that we respect all stakeholders including customers and everyone who works for the JAL Group, do not discriminate on the basis of gender, age, national or regional origin, race, ethnicity, religion, social status, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity or other attributes, and respect diversity so that everyone can exercise their originality, and conduct ourselves in a way to prevent harm to anybody or participation in human rights violations through our business activities. We address human rights issues, disclose status on human rights issues and rectify the situation through human rights due diligence *in accordance with our Human Rights Policy.
*A process to preemptively identify, prevent and mitigate any adverse human rights impacts that our business activities may have on society

(2) Safe and comfortable work environments
The JAL Group takes steps to continuously be an organization that ambitiously embraces challenges and creates value. In addition, we make efforts to create safe and comfortable work environments, both mentally and physically, where employees find work rewarding, through healthcare management and continuous workstyle innovation.

5. Mission and responsibility as a member of society

We are grateful to play a role in delivering social infrastructure and repay our gratitude by fulfilling our mission as a public transport operator.

(1) Contributing to regional revitalization through our business
The JAL Group contributes to the sustainable development of regions across Japan that support our air transportation business. To achieve this, we make efforts to enhance the appeal and value of regions using our know-how accumulated in the aviation business and networks, and contribute to vitalizing regional economies by expanding the distribution and flow of people and goods.
Furthermore, we promote human, economic and cultural exchanges and contribute to economic development and world peace by connecting Japan and the world as the “Wings of Japan” and a network carrier.

(2) Responsibility as a company that plays a role in social infrastructure
The JAL Group conducts organizational risk management to be prepared against terrorism, cyber-attacks, natural disasters and other events that threaten civil life and corporate activities. In the event of a natural disaster, we make efforts to resume air transport services as quickly as possible, cooperate in disaster recovery efforts through air transport, etc. and fulfill our social mission and responsibility as a public transport operator that plays a role in social infrastructure.

(3) Responsibility as a corporate citizen
The JAL Group contributes to solving social issues and promoting social development as a corporate citizen by nurturing the next generation, supporting culture and sports, cooperating with disaster recovery operations, and through regional exchanges, international cooperation and other activities. We coordinate and collaborate with stakeholders and support employees in conducting proactive activities.

6. Passing on the precious earth to the next generation (global environment)

We sincerely accept the fact that our air transport business impacts the environment significantly. To fulfill our responsibility of passing on the precious earth to the next generation, we raise awareness of every employee and preserve the environment in every aspect.

(1) Global environmental preservation initiatives
The JAL Group complies with laws and regulations and strives to respond to climate change, effectively use limited resources, prevent environmental pollution, reduce noise, and preserve biodiversity in order to reduce impacts of operations on the environment. In addition, we pursue the development of environmentally-friendly technologies to solve environmental issues, in coordination with stakeholders.

(2) Disclosure of environmental information and dialogue
The JAL Group actively discloses environmental information, maintains dialogue with stakeholders and expands environmental preservation initiatives to society.

7. Fair business practices

We comply with laws and rules and conduct ourselves with honesty and integrity as a member of a company that is genuinely trusted by society.

(1) Reinforcing compliance
The JAL Group complies with laws and regulations and other rules (compliance) in society in countries and regions where we conduct business. We understand the laws and procedures applicable to our respective business field , and act upon the advice of whistleblowers, legal departments, and others in the event of a non-compliance or potential non-compliance.

(2) Preventing corruption
The JAL Group does not accept or provide any form of bribes, direct or indirect, or commit any form of corruption, such as money laundering, in its business activities in Japan or overseas.
We will not accept or provide unjust money, gifts, entertainment or other benefits beyond what is recognized as appropriate by social customs.
Charitable donations, sponsorship funds, political donations, etc. must be made only for legitimate purposes and subject to the pre-approval procedures set out in the company regulations.
We do not conduct transactions that may cause conflicts of interest so that interests may not be unreasonably harmed.

(3) Fair business relations with business partners *
We bear in mind to conduct ourselves with honesty and integrity, mutually respect our business partners and achieve sound business development. We conduct transactions under appropriate terms and conditions based on rational decisions in compliance with regulations and procedures. In addition, we strive to build sustainable supply chains with our business partners.
* Our suppliers and all business partners

(4) Free and fair competition
The JAL Group conducts fair and transparent transactions with all business partners in compliance with applicable laws and regulations such as antitrust laws based on the principle of free competition. In countries and regions around the world, we understand the purpose and content of competition laws of each country and comply with such laws.

(5) Management of personal information and intellectual property
The JAL Group collects information necessary to conduct business activities such as customer information through lawful, appropriate means and uses the information only for justified purposes. We exercise utmost precaution when handling such information and assure appropriate information management such as taking steps to prevent unauthorized access.
We take every possible means to protect intellectual property of the Company, and respect and prohibit infringement of intellectual property of other companies.

(6) Eliminating relations antisocial forces
The JAL Group puts forth Group-wide efforts to eliminate relations with any and all antisocial forces. We resolutely refuse undue demands from antisocial forces for unjustified economic gains through intimidation such as complaints about our service. We deal with their demands as an organization and do not leave employees isolated to handle the situation alone.

JAL Group Anti Corruption Policy

JAL Group Human Rights Policy

JAL Group Environmental Policy

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