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JAL Group Environmental Policy

The environment must be safeguarded so that all living creatures may grow and live on this planet. In order to realize the policy advocated in 'Passing on our precious Earth to the next generation' within the JAL Group Code of Conduct "Commitment to Society", the JAL Group will set up its own driving force and strive to sustainably conserve the environment as a member of the society, and undertake all preventive measures for any counteracting phenomena, based on this Policy.

JAL Group Code of Conduct "Commitment to Society", Passing on precious Earth to the next generation

1.The JAL Group sincerely accepts the fact that our air transport business impacts the environment significantly. To fulfill our responsibility of passing on our precious Earth to the next generation, we will raise the awareness of every employee and preserve the environment in every aspect. We will also strive to protect the environment by building partnerships and cooperative relationships with a wide range of people, including customers, business partners, suppliers and investees.

Compliance with laws and regulations

2. JAL Group complies with laws and regulations, and ordinances, norms such as international conventions, and industrial and company standards, concerning the environment.

Mitigating impacts of operations on the environment

3. JAL Group establishes and operates environment management systems, and strives to mitigate impacts of operations on the environment by executing the following actions without any fail;

(1) Addressing Climate Change
Toward a Realization of Decarbonized Society

① Reduce the CO2 emissions from aircrafts.
② Reduce the CO2 emissions from ground facilities, vehicles, etc.

(2) Effective use of limited resources
Toward a Realization of Circular Economy

Ensure 4R (Refuse / Reduce / Reuse / Recycle), and utilize resources in every aspect of our business, by reducing food losses, use of plastics products, etc.

(3) Precaution against Environmental Pollution

① Take a precaution against environmental pollution by reducing waste.
② Take a precaution against environmental pollution by handling hazardous chemical substance appropriately.

(4) Noise reduction

① Promote replacement of lower noise aircrafts.
② Proactively study and introduce noise abatement operational procedure.

(5) Biodiversity conservation

① Fulfill our responsibility towards Biodiversity conservation, as a company engaged in air transport business.
② Minimize the impact on ecosystem by mitigating the impact on environment from our business operation.

Pursuit of environment-friendly technologies

4. JAL Group pursues environment-friendly technologies , such as enhancement of manufacturing development of Sustainable Aviation Fuel to solve environmental issues in coordination with its stakeholders.

Enhancing awareness

5. JAL Group strives to increase awareness of the environment of all JAL Group officers and employees and take steps to preserve the environment in every aspect. In addition, it proactively conducts awareness-raising activities toward society.

Information disclosure

6. JAL Group honestly and actively discloses impacts of operations on the environment and environmental initiatives, and maintains dialogue with stakeholders.

Continual Improvement

7. JAL Group strives to pursue continuous improvement by periodically checking both its impact on the environment and achievement of its effort on environment conservation, and reflecting the outputs from such checks on its initiatives.

*This policy become effective on October 1, 2021.

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