Environmental Management
Basic Concept
We pledge the JAL Group Environmental Policy based on identified critical items to resolve environmental issues. Based on the environmental policy, we will set environmental goals from a medium- to long-term perspective and work together with various stakeholders to achieve them. We also promote appropriate education and training for our employees to help them understand the impact of their business activities on the environment.
Environmental Management System and Promotion Structure
The JAL Group has established the Environmental Management Regulations based on the JAL Group Environmental Policy and has built on the Environmental Management System (EMS) and operating it since. Based on this EMS, the JAL Group strives to achieve its environmental goals, as well as complying with laws, regulations, and other rules related to the environmental activities of our business, reducing environmental impact (waste generation, water/energy consumption, etc.), and preventing pollution. Significant environmental goals gets sorted into 8 materialities, and implementation of environmental management policy and improving environmental performance are reported to the "Board of Directors" for discussion and evaluation. Continuous improvement is done through a PDCA cycle to regularly evaluate the environmental impact of its operations and the results of its disclosed climate change initiatives and reflect them in its efforts. In addition, internal environmental audits are conducted every year to confirm the conformity and legal compliance of the system and to check the achievement status of the targets. Internal audits are conducted annually at each department in JAL headquarters, and over a three-year period at Group companies. The results get reported at the management reviews to ensure continuous improvement. In addition, JAL Royal Catering Co., Ltd. has acquired ISO 14001 certification in 2021, and has continuously been certified as of 2024.
JAL Royal Catering Co., Ltd. employees represent approximately 2.1% of all divisions covered by the EMS. The other 97.9%, including all JAL divisions and subsidiaries, are also subject to internal audits.
The JAL Group aims to build a sound supply chain that takes sustainability into consideration in order to achieve the SDGs. In the JAL Group Supplier Code of Conduct, which was revised in July 2019, we ask our suppliers to implement the same initiatives as in the Environmental Policy and Action Plan, and to submit a written confirmation that the content has been checked. We are currently collecting confirmation letters from suppliers to prove that they have reviewed the contents of the Code.
For business partners, we stipulate in contracts that they comply with the JAL Group Code of Conduct "Commitment to Society," which includes environmental conservation content. During due diligence at the time of investment and M&A, we share our environmental policy and environmental management regulations with our business partners and encourage them to do the same.

Promotion System

Roles and responsibilities for implementing environmental management system based on environment policy
Number of Violations, Fines, Environmental Debt
Environmental Investment and Sustainable Return on investment (S-ROI)
Capital investment, costs, and returns concerning the environment
Eco-First Commitment
On May 17, 2010, JAL Group was certified as an Eco-First Company.
The Eco-First Program is a program launched by the Ministry of the Environment (MOE) which the Minister of the Environment certifies companies that are innovative, original, and leads the industry in their business activities by making voluntary commitments to achieve environmental goals. We pledged the following Eco-First Commitments as an Eco-First Company.
More than ever each and every employee in JAL Group will take initiatives to engage in eco-activities for our customers to feel overjoyed with the results of safeguarding the ecosystem.
Independent Assurance Statement
See below to learn more.
GHG Independent Verification Statement [364 KB : PDF]PDF
NOx/Water Independent Verification Statement [352 KB : PDF]PDF
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