Engaging in Emissions Trading
The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) has adopted the CORSIA system, which requires airlines operating international flights to purchase CO2 emissions (CO2 credits) from non-airline operations for any excess CO2 emissions over 2019* from 2021 onward. In response, the JAL Group is implementing the following initiatives.
* The standard was revised in 2020 and changed from "the amount exceeding the average of CO2 emissions in 2019 and 2020" to "the amount exceeding the CO2 emissions in 2019".
In 2022, the standard for 2024 and beyond was further revised and changed to "the amount exceeding 85% of CO2 emitted in 2019".
Purchase of Carbon Credits
The JAL Group is implementing initiatives designed to reduce our CO2 emissions including upgrading to fuel-efficient aircraft and supporting the development and use of Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF). In addition to these initiatives, we are reducing our CO2 emissions by purchasing emission credits. These carbon credits are designed to help cut global CO2 emissions efficiently by allowing companies to purchase CO2 emission reductions made by companies in industries other than aviation. In future, the JAL Group will continue to select and purchase the above-mentioned credits and work together with other non-aviation industries to devise measures that will help further reduce CO2 emissions.
JAL Carbon Offset
Carbon offset is a mechanism of compensating for CO2 emissions using carbon absorptions or reductions made elsewhere. In response from feedback from customers who have a keen interest in protecting the environment and preventing global warming, the JAL Group, in collaboration with CHOOOSE AS, offers passengers the option to offset the CO2 emitted by the aircraft they fly on through our JAL Carbon Offset program.
Customers may join the JAL Carbon Offset program from the "JAL Carbon Offset" button below.
*External link will open.
JAL Carbon Offset
For individual customersOpen link in a new window -
JAL Carbon Offset
For corporate customersOpen link in a new window
External Assessment
Receives certificate of appreciation for cooperation with the Carbon Offset Program for the Tokyo 2020 Games
JAL supports the Tokyo Metropolitan Government's strategy to become “Zero Emission Tokyo*1, a sustainable city that eliminates carbon emissions, and has donated 30,0000 tons of carbon credits under the Tokyo Cap & Trade Program*2. On December 17, 2019, a ceremony was held to present letters of appreciation to 36 businesses, attended by Governor Yuriko Koike, who thanked them for their cooperation.
On the application of the Program from 2010, JAL has donated 30,000 tons of carbon credits from emission reductions exceeding those required under the Program(▲6%) at our new and old Haneda Maintenance Centers up till FY2014.
*1 “Zero Emission Tokyo” refers to the realization of "Tokyo Zero Carbon 4 Days in 2020" to offset all CO2 emissions across Tokyo during the four days of opening and closing ceremonies of the Tokyo 2020 Games and the “Carbon Offset Program for the Tokyo 2020 Games” launched by the Tokyo Organizing Committee of the Olympic and Paralympic Games to offset CO2 emissions generated during the Games.
*2 The Cap-and-Trade Program of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government makes it mandatory for large-scale facilities to reduce their CO2 emissions, gives credits for emissions reductions exceeding those required under the Program, and allows the trading of emissions credits.(approx. 1200 businesses in Tokyo).