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Fair Business Practices(Compliance)

Basic Concept

The JAL Group will conduct its business in a fair manner to continue to be a company trusted by society.
To achieve fair business practices, we strive to ensure compliance, prevent corruption, engage in free and fair competition, manage personal data and intellectual property, and eliminate relations with antisocial forces.
To achieve this, we will raise awareness of all employees on behavior and compliance based on the Code of Conduct through education. Additionally, we will develop a consultation desk to ensure early detection of misconduct.

JAL Group Code of Conduct

The JAL Group Code of Conduct, "Commitment to Society" was established in 2019 as concrete behavior guidelines to be observed by all JAL Group officers and employees.
The Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact, the Charter of Corporate Behavior of Keidanren and other materials were used as reference in establishing the Code of Conduct.
Understanding the Code of Conduct deelply by utilizing the Interpretation and Ways of Thinking [499 KB : PDF]PDF, and compliance with the Code of Conduct will lead to the embodiment of the JAL Philosophy and realization of the Corporate Policy.
With the establishment of our "Commitment to Society," the JAL Group Supplier Code of Conduct was revised in line with the purpose of the Code of Conduct. By gaining the understanding of JAL Group suppliers, we will be able to provide products and services that customers can use more safely and with even greater peace of mind.

Development of policies linked to the Code of Conduct

To promote the Code of Conduct as behavioral guidelines in practical terms, the JAL Group has developed policies, regulations and action plans, discloses results and issues, and thereby implements a PDCA cycle.
In addition, by improving our check function through communication with external stakeholders, we aim to meet the needs of society and solve social issues.

Number of breaches of the Code of Conduct in FY2023

The number of breaches of the Code of Conduct (number of disciplinary actions) in our company* in FY2023 is as follows.

This table can be scrolled horizontally.
Reporting areas Number of breaches in FY2023
Corruption or Bribery 0
Discrimination 0
Harassment 13
Customer Privacy Data 0
Conflicts of Interest 0
Money Laundering or Insider trading 0

*Japan Airlines Co., Ltd. and its subsidiaries

Compliance Promotion System

Japan Airlines, Risk Management Department is the managing department of compliance of the JAL Group and focuses its efforts on raising staff awareness through various measures.
In addition, we strictly enforce disciplinary actions (such as reprimands, pay cuts, suspensions, and dismissals) against employees who violate work regulations and other rules, from the perspective of risk management. Important compliance matters are discussed and reported to the Board of Directors.Cases of compliance violations are supervised by both internal and external auditors, and appropriate measures are taken to prevent recurrence.

Uploading the regulations and handbooks to the Intranet

The following regulations, handbooks, and publications on compliance are uploaded to the Intranet for reference.

  • JAL Group Regulations on Preventing Insider Trading
  • JAL Group Handbook on Protecting Personal Information
  • Information Security Action Handbook
  • Guide to the Antimonopoly Act
  • Group Hotline Regulations
  • JAL Group Anti-Corruption Policy

Various Activities

In addition to the following activities for JAL Group staff, we will continue to conduct training on alcohol.

  • Quarterly publications of compliance newsletters
  • Seminars on laws and ordinances by Legal Affairs
  • Talks and face-to-face dialogue on compliance with staff on frontlines
  • Training based on actual incidents such as target email attacks
  • Biannual information security training through e-learning

Compliance newsletters

Compliance Promotion Guidance

In order to ensure strict adherence to comply to "Commitment to Society" as outlined in the JAL Group Code of Conduct, an e-learning training program is conducted twice yearly for all JAL employees. The participation rate for the second half of fiscal year 2023 was 80 percent. Additionally, once a year, each JAL Group employee is required to confirm and report their compliance with laws, company regulations, and rules. This ensures the dissemination and thorough adherence to compliance at an individual employee level.

Retention of Personal Data

JAL Group Airlines shall appropriately manage and protect the customers‘ personal information, in accordance with "JAL Group’s Basic Policies on Information Security and the Protection of Personal InformationOpen link in a new window". When the purpose for which personal information was acquired is achieved, the acquired information will be disposed in an appropriate manner. For example, as described in "JAL Group Airlines: Processing of Personal Data in GDPROpen link in a new window", JAL Group Airlines retain customers' personal data for the period necessary to achieve the purposes stated in this privacy policy. Records concerning boarding by customers, such as reservations records and ticket information, are normally retained after boarding for a maximum of three years. For a JMB member, data is retained as membership data for a maximum 10 years after withdrawing membership, in addition to the period as a member. Furthermore, records concerning contracts and invoices are retained for the period necessary to meet legal obligations. If it is necessary for the establishment, exercise or defense of legal claims, we may keep personal data for a longer period.

JAL Group Tax Policy

In order to seek business profitability in a fair and honest manner and to make appropriate tax payments in meeting our social responsibilities and contributing to the betterment of society, the JAL Group has established "The JAL Group Tax Policy [114 KB : PDF]"PDF.

JAL Group Anti-Corruption Policy

To pursue fair and just profits in a fair and just manner, the JAL Group established the Anti-Corruption Policy [79 KB : PDF]PDF and the Anti-Corruption Policy Guidelines [177 KB : PDF]PDF under the JAL Group Code of Conduct, "Commitment to Society," taking into account the international scene such as global business expansion, tightened anti-bribery measures and prevention of money laundering. We will comply with applicable laws and regulations on bribery in countries and regulations where we conduct air transport business operations (domestic laws and regulations such as the Unfair Competition Prevention Law (Japan), the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (US), the Bribery Prevention Act (UK), Commercial Bribery Regulations (China))and international conventions. We will also proactively prevent bribery and suspicious activities that might suggest bribes are being paid and strive to prevent corruption as a member of society.

Internal Reporting System

The "JAL Group Hotline" (available 24 hours a day) has been established as a whistleblower hotline available to any employee of the JAL Group, both internally and externally (third-party organization). 236 cases were reported in fiscal year 2023. The hotline handles reports appropriately in accordance with the rules and regulations stipulated under the Whistleblower Protection Act, including confidentiality obligations, prohibition of conflicts of interest, and prohibition of disadvantageous treatment of whistleblowers. In addition to establishing a system that facilitates reporting even in situations where it is difficult to consult with superiors or others, such as when anonymous reporting is permitted, we regularly inspect the system to strengthen compliance management to enable early detection and correction of misconduct, power harassment, and other such incidents.
We have a "Supplier Hotline" established as a reporting channel for our business partners.
If there are any acts or incidents that involve misconduct, violations of laws or regulations, deviations from JAL Group's human rights policy or Supplier Code of Conduct, please contact the JAL Supplier Hotline.

* For comments or inquiries to the JAL Group, please access the following link.

Relationship with public policies

Expenditures on public policy-influencing entities are made only for lawful purposes and subject to pre-approval procedures set forth by internal regulations. Also, all political contributions made by the JAL Group are monitored and managed by the head office.

This table can be scrolled horizontally.
Organization Position Member
Japan-U.S. Business Council Vice chairman AKASAKA Yuji (Representative Director, Chairperson, Japan Airlines Co.,Ltd.)
Japan Business Federation
(Nippon Keidanren)
Chair of Committee on U.S. Affairs

Chair of Committee on Canada
AKASAKA Yuji (Representative Director, Chairperson, Japan Airlines Co.,Ltd.)
AKASAKA Yuji (Representative Director, Chairperson, Japan Airlines Co.,Ltd.)
The Tokyo Chamber of
Commerce and Industry
Co-chair, The Travel and Tourism Promotion Committee

Vice Chairperson, Divisional Group of Transportation
SHIMIZU Shinichiro (Director, Vice Chairperson, Japan Airlines Co., Ltd.)

SHIMIZU Shinichiro (Director, Vice Chairperson, Japan Airlines Co., Ltd.)

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