Representative Director, President
Chief Executive Officer
Japan Airlines Co., Ltd
April, 2024
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your continued support. I am TOTTORI Mitsuko, President of JAL and CEO of JAL Group, effective from April 1, 2024.
Since joining JAL, I have spent most of my career in the Cabin Attendant Division, the front line of safety and customer service. In addition, as the head of Customer Experience last year, I have continued to think about the value we provide to our customers. I would like to continue to move forward with a customer-first mindset.
The JAL Group proceeded with our Medium Term Management Plan implemented from FY2021 in order to overcome the COVID-19 pandemic and achieve growth. Thanks to your support, we expect to achieve a higher profit level in FY2023 than we had before the COVID-19 pandemic. We sincerely appreciate your warm support and cooperation to date.
We recently announced our Medium Term Management Plan-Rolling Plan (MRP) 2024. We intend to complete the plan by achieving our profit targets and management targets in FY2025 by reforming our business model with ESG strategies as our top strategy to enhance corporate value. In the mid- to long-term, we will create relationships and social connections through air transportation to deliver happiness and affluence. To this end, we intend to bring out the abilities in diverse human resources, which is the greatest strength of the JAL Group.
With JAL Vision 2030 in mind, which envisions the creation of a society that is safe with peace of mind, a sustainable future, and the realization of a heartwarming society and future in which many people and goods can move freely, all of us will work together to become the world's most preferred and valued airline group.