Initiatives at Ground Vehicles
Promotion of energy saving
The utilization of biodiesel fuel
Starting with the trial at Kumamoto Airport, the JAL Group, in cooperation and collaboration with local communities and society, is successively using the biodiesel fuel, a locally produced, locally consumed, recycling-based energy, in airport vehicles (Kumamoto Airport: 30% concentration, 10 other airports: 100% concentration) at 11 airports across Japan.
The JAL Group will continue to promote the use of locally produced, locally consumed, recyclable energy at airports throughout Japan.

Electrification of vehicles used at airports
Since expansion of airport infrastructure is essential to promote the electrification of vehicles used at airports, the JAL Group is working with companies in the airport area.
We will continue its efforts to reduce CO2 emissions from airport vehicles by promoting the electrification of airport vehicles.

Lithium-Ion Battery-Powered Ground Power Unit “eGPU”

Electric towing tractor