Noise Reduction
Basic Concept
The JAL Group maintains an awareness that air transport is responsible for a number of negative effects on the environment and aims to live in harmony with residents around the airport.
To reduce noise, we are upgrading our fleet to the latest low-noise aircraft that comply with noise standards, and are actively introducing noise abatement operational procedures.

Ratio of Aicraft to ICAO Standards
The JAL Group is steadily updating its aircraft to meet noise standards (ICAO Chapter 4, Chapter 14), upgrading its flagship aircraft to the state-of-the-art Airbus A 350, that is fuel-efficient and low-noise.
In addition, we are actively working on measures to reduce aircraft sound sources and operating methods to reduce noise, which should be carried out by airlines under the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Balanced Approach.
In addition to noise reduction through the introduction of new aircraft, the aircraft also operates in a noise-reducing take-off mode during takeoff, especially in Haneda Airport and Itami Airport, which are close to residential areas. In addition, noise reduction methods during landing include Reduced Flap, Delayed Flap & Gear, and Idle Reverse, and Continuous Descent Operations, which significantly reduces noise and CO2 emissions at Helsinki International Airport and Kagoshima Airport.
*ICAO standards Chapter 4 from 2001 and Chapter 14 from 2017.