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Choices in Workstyles

“Be myself, by choosing when and where I work”

Eiichiro Kabira (Joined JAL 2009)

Administration, Cargo & Mail Department

  • Spouse working together
  • Father to a three years-old daughter

Use of the systems

Flexible work:allows employees to choose when they start and finish work each day, as long as they meet the designated working hours within 3 months.
My working days usually starts with taking my daughter to preschool, but this can be flexible as long as I meet the work hours within 3 months. This allows me to spend time with my daughter at night, and let my partner concentrate on her work.

Teleworking:allows access to corporate intranet away from office
Looking back on the days when work was not as flexible, I often had to choose work over parenting and home chores. Leaving my partner forced to do everything at home by herself.However, now that I can work via teleworking, I can concentrate and be productive in both my work and home.

Supporting each other as a Team

At JAL Group, employees are encouraged to work flexibly, but I think putting into practice, support from the team is crucial.Flexible work is not limited to employees with certain conditions such like parenting, and everyone should make use. Just like my teammates, I would like to try my best to support others as if they were my family.

“Taking a day-off at business trip destination allowed me to broaden my perspectives”

Haruna Ansai (Joined JAL 2014)

Finance division, Finance planning and Investor Relations

  • Spouse working together

Use of systems

Bleisure: allows employees to take vacation at the business trip destination. A coined word that combined “business” and “leisure”.
I took “bleisure” at Paris, France, after attending a business meeting with the investor. I was able to conduct a successful meeting and refreshed myself by meeting my family right after work, whereas before, taking a vacation overseas required at least one extra day for traveling and that meant leaving work one extra day. My team recommended me to take “bleisure” and to earn new perspectives from the locals.

Broaden my perspectives

Up until “bliesure” was introduced, most of the employees had to catch their return flight home, right after the meetings and conferences. Now with “bleisure” I can stay on site to learn the culture, traditions and history, which helps to communicate with the investors later on. For example, in Europe, investors are focused on ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) of the company when it comes to making an investment, and some of the consumers are choosing a product or a service based on the environmental initiatives of the providers. I look forward to further broadening my perspectives from an actual experience, and to make better proposals for customers.

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