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History of Uniforms - History of JAS

(JAS) 1971 - 2004
Introducing various uniforms including cabin attendant uniforms, going back in time to the founding of the company

1971 - 1980

  • Introduction of jets, on the dawning of a new era as flying becomes popular and commonplace, travel becomes faster and customer needs for improved passenger service increase.
First Generation Uniform
(May 1971 to September 1971)

Marigold orange mini-dress with white bag and shoes. Good contrast and bright image. After the merger of Japan Domestic Airlines and Toa Airways in May 1971, the uniform was worn until the end of September when a new uniform was decided.
Marigold orange
Turtle neck dress.
Turkish hat.

October 1971

  • Launch of first post-war domestic commercial airline operation (Tokyo=Osaka=Fukuoka)

1971 - 1980

  • Introduction of jet aircraft, on the dawning of a new era as flying becomes popular and commonplace, travel becomes faster and customer needs for improved passenger service increase.
Second Generation Uniform
(1971 - 1975)

Two-piece in bright orange. Winter overcoat in same color. The uniform was popular as with the miniskirt. (Color/Features) Orange.
Round-neck blouse.
Turkish hat.

1981 - 1990

  • Realization of safer and more comfortable air travel on the introduction of larger aircraft and hi-tech aircraft for international routes
Third Generation Uniform
(1975 - 1988)

Designed by Toyomi Watanabe in Cerulian blue depicting the blue skies. Worn with scarf and apron in TDA colors Red & Green. Beautiful balance of three colors. Apron was later changed to pink and sky blue.
Cerulian blue.
Three piece.
Red & Green scarf and apron.

1991 - 2000

  • Debut of the highly safe and fuel efficient B777 on major routes. The airline industry plays a more important role due to advances in globalization and travel demand growth.
Fourth Generation Uniform
(1988 - 1997)

Designed by Hiromi Yoshida. The orthodox suits in mauve. With the change of the company name and the introduction of international services, it expressed the image of friendly and gentle ladies, and conveyed a sense of reliability and comfort. Scarves and aprons carried a pictorial design of aircraft.
Orthodox suits.
Blouse was in same color as the suits, resembling a one piece garment, with collar and front round yoke in off-white.

April 1997

  • Introduction of the B777 (Rainbow 7)

2001 - 2004

  • Expansion of China routes realized with the A300-600R
    Greater use on short-distance international routes.
Fifth Generation Uniform
(1997 - 2004)

Designed by Yumiko Hara. The winter uniform consisted of a navy blue jumper skirt and jacket ensemble. The summer uniform was the same design as the winter uniform, but in bright sky blue, the image of the skies. As a variation it was worn with a round neck T blouse, and red, blue and green scarf and apron with a paisley design.
Winter uniform; navy blue jumper skirt and jacket.
Summer uniform: same design as winter uniform. Round neck T blouse with sky blue and white stripes.

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