Basic Concept
In order to improve corporate value over the medium to long term and to enhance the sustainability of our business, we will transform from a company with highly homogeneous human resources to a highly diverse company with human resources with diverse knowledge and experience such as experience, sensitivity, values, and expertise.
We will deepen diversity and create new values by intergroup secondments, the active recruitment of foreign employees in Japan, and by expanding the employment of people with disabilities, through the creation of an environment where everyone can work with satisfaction.
Overview of actions
In initiatives to date, we have established an organization for the promotion of diversity in the Human Resources Division to create a foundation for welcoming diverse human resources. To enable all employees to be motivated at work and actively participate in the workplace, we continue to move forward with awareness reform and workstyle innovation.
Especially to promoting understanding toward DEI, since 2015, the JAL D&I Lab (former JAL Nadeshiko Lab), a cross-departmental project, including Group companies in its remit, conduct independent research in addition to seminars and workshops.
JAL's Diversity and Inclusion(Japanese)PDF
JAL Selected for Inclusion in New Diversity Management Selection 100
JAL Receives Second Prize in the Advanced Category of the 2019 J-Win Diversity Award
Career Opportunities for Female Employees
To achieve JAL Vision 2030, the JAL Group has set a target of 30% female managers in the group by the end of fisical year 2025, and is promoting the active participation of female employees, who account for about half of all employees. As of the end of March 2024, the ratio of female managers in the JAL Group is 29.8% (*). We will continue to promote the active participation of diverse human resources through efforts to achieve our goals.
*From fiscal 2023, changed to the ratio of women in organizational management positions

Cultivating Global Human Resources
In fiscal year 2018 we established the new Global Promotion Office in the Human Resources Strategy Department, responsible for reviewing the organizational operating system, and recruitment, development and assignment of human resources necessary for globalization. Employees in the Japan region centered on young mid-management staff will be provided more work experience and interactions in different cultures through overseas postings and internships at overseas companies. For employees in overseas regions, we will improve systems to promote transfers and expand education and training programs. As of March 31, 2024, the number of employees hired from overseas regions working in Japan has reached approximately 60. In an effort to continue expanding opportunities for broadening their work experience, we are also taking steps to develop a Group shared foundation to more firmly instill cross-border personnel transfers and exchanges.
Breakdown based on nationality of FY2023
*Japan Airlines Co., Ltd. only
Share in total workforce: Japan (89.6%), China (3.5%), Thailand (2.4%), America (1.5%), Korea (0.5%), Others (2.3%)
Share in management positions: Japan (95.8%), China (1.2%), Thailand (0.1%), America (1.3%), Korea (0.7%), Others (0.9%)
Promoting Understanding for LGBTQ
The JAL Group has established a system that applies the same benefits for employees (and their partners and families) married to same-sex partners who have registered as specified by the company. Also, JAL has begun using nicknames* based on the gender they identify with. In addition, in order to contribute to the promotion of understanding in the company and society, we continue to implement in-house training and participate in understanding promotion events in various regions. In fiscal year 2019, we have operated the Japan's first "LGBT charter flight".
Effective October 1, 2020, we have changed the "ladies and gentlemen" announcements used on board and at airports to gender-neutral language. We will continue to address LGBTQ issues both internally and externally in order to promote understanding not only within the company but also in society.
*Excluding cases where it is necessary to match the name notation on an official certificate (passport, etc.) due to the characteristics of the work

Opportunities for People with Disabilities
At the JAL Group, we have more than 800 employees with disabilities actively involved in various workplaces. We promote their employment, develop worker-friendly environment such as securing placements and providing training opportunities with consideration to characteristics of each disability, and hold seminars to increase understanding of disabilities.
Japan Airlines Co., Ltd. provides the same opportunity for people with disabilities under recruitment. Also, JAL Sunlight Co., a special subsidiary established in 1995, focuses on general administration service operations (payroll-related services, welfare and benefit procedures, business trip arrangements, business card printing, mailing, etc.).
In addition to the previously established cafes, massage rooms, nail rooms, and shoe shine services for employees, from January 2024, shoe shine and hand-dripped coffee services are also provided to customers in the international first class lounge. We will continue to challenge to expand the areas in which employees can activate by utilizing their talents and abilities.
JAL has also been a member of ACE since September 2016 and is participating in industry, academia and government partnerships.
*ACE is short for Accessibility Consortium of Enterprises, which aims to develop a new employment model for people with disabilities that contributes to corporate growth. Activities including seminars for human resources management and employees with disabilities and publication of educational booklets to increase awareness, develop role models and provide recommendations to management and society.

Reemployment of Senior Employees
The JAL Group has a program for employees to continue working even after retirement if they wish. At JAL, roughly 80% of retirees continue to play an active role in various workplaces (as of March 31, 2024). By improving opportunities and working terms for continued employment, we will pass on now-how to the younger generation using the experience and knowledge of senior employees accumulated over many years of service.
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